Mental Health

Planning with Bipolar.


With the school year winding down, although I am doing Summer School, I thought I’d share what my Summer MUST do list consists of. I’m not talking about visiting an island, sky diving or going to the pool. I’m talking about self-care must do’s when I will be consumed with way more “free” and “me” time than usual. I never have formally written down this list – it’s just sorta been ingrained in my brain. college was where I was first introduced to a month long break that literally consisted of absolutely nothing, once I quit cheer. It took me weeks of boredom, depression, and bad choices to get 2 jobs and decide to enroll in Summer courses. Once I became accustomed to a more clearly defined schedule my other tasks were shifted and ultimately became priorities. I wanted to share my list with you all to see if anyone else prioritizes “free time” like I do.

I have to treat planning as something I HAVE to do—because it is! 

Over the years, I have in fact become a morning person! I’m sure if you ask my first college roommates they would beg to differ 🙂 Now that I am a morning person it has dramatically increased my success with completing tasks on my to do list no matter how small or large they are. Writing out what I need to do or get started on for something long term helps me put things into perspective. Some of my “must do’s” seem so ‘DUH!’ but it didn’t become a ‘DUH!’ moment for me until I really started to educate myself on my diagnosis. It honestly has helped me cope and understand the disorder better since I was diagnosed.

Planning/scheduling has aided me in reducing impulsive behavior. It makes me incredibly excited when I know what lies ahead of me for the day, week, month or even year! I’m spontaneous in a lot of different ways, but when it comes to planning certain things being spontaneous isn’t something I feel comfortable doing.

Here we go…

When I plan or make a “simple” to do list I always place the hardest task of the day at the beginning! Whatever that might be. In no particular order I complete all of these must do tasks for myself, even if I plan on lounging around for the day

  • Shower, brush teeth, wash face, and follow skin care routine
  • Spend time with God. Devotional. Journal. Prayer
  • Get dressed or at least change out of my jammies! Even if I’m putting on new jammies 🙂
  • Make a to do list
  • Tidy up my space
  • Workout/Any type of physical activity
  • Set alarms throughout the day to avoid snoozing!
  • EAT!

Easy breezy, right?

Another helpful tip I have to offer is to update your calendar, whether it’s electronic or paper. I write down everything! Including plans I make with friends, attending an event with my family, working out, and anything else I would probably forget or try to bail out on. It’s helped me stick to my plans more consistently and not cancel at the last minute.

I am constantly looking for ways to set myself up for mental success. Although, making such a simple to do list seems trivial it makes a world of difference when your thoughts seem to be scattered 98% of the day.

I want you to write down your daily to-do’s and see if you need to tweak it or switch it up a bit especially during those days where you feel “blah”.


What are some other helpful ways besides making list that you incorporate in your life to help you stay organized?



2 thoughts on “Planning with Bipolar.

  1. I need to start setting alarms or reminders throughout the day! I wrote to do lists religiously, but I don’t always remember to do them lol


    1. I use to be so against putting stuff in my phone because if I write it down I remember better! But, once I started putting the reminders in my phone it helped a lot because I always have my phone. Start small!


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